It is time for the health and social care system to innovate and improve at pace and do so with consumer and community insights deep at the heart of driving change. In our Election Priorities, CHF focuses on critical areas for action that will move Australia towards a modern and sustainable health...
Read the full position here . We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ right to be listened to in the Australian Parliament and acknowledged in the Australian Constitution The Consumers Health Forum believes all Australians deserve to have a say in the issues affecting them and...
This position statement has been developed by the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) and the Centre for Health Policy, the University of Melbourne. It has been informed by the discussions at a Specialist Fee and Performance Transparency Roundtable held at the University of Melbourne on the...
Since 2010, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has supported the development of statements articulating ethical principles for business and the healthcare sector in order to maximise the interests of patients and consumers, enhance access to safe and effective healthcare, and build public...
We join with painAustralia and the Australian Pain Management Association in supporting the full implementation of the National Pain Strategy. We do not support the proposal from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia to allow pharmacists to dispense codeine products without a prescription for people with one-off acute pain under certain conditions.
The National Health and Medical Research Council and the Consumers Health Forum of Australia have released a revised joint statement reflecting the growing recognition of the place of consumers and community in health research. The Statement on Consumer and Community Involvement in Health and...
This is an initial analysis of the Federal Health Budget from the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF). There is further detail in the Budget papers that require further appraisal before CHF takes a view on these aspects. We are preparing a more detailed analysis based on further briefings and...
This document outlines CHF's initial appraisal of the recently announced pharmacy reforms and 6CPA. While there are some positive points of difference between last agreement (5CPA) and 6CPA, the current Agreement does not go far enough to drive improvements in terms of greater competition and...
CHF supports the effective, safe and successful entry of biosimilars into the Australian market. This is in the interest of consumers as they will have access to a wider group of therapeutic options. In line with the National Medicines Policy safe and effective medicines should be available to...
Preserving Consumer Choices Without Sacrificing the Principles of Universal Health Care


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