2 April 2016 Report

Putting the Consumer First

Consumers Health Forum, The George Institute for Global Health

To develop a framework for how this might happen in Australia, The George Institute for Global Health and the Consumers Health Forum of Australia partnered on a Special Policy Roundtable held in Sydney on 31 March 2016. Involving over 35 consumers, advocates, and health experts from a range of backgrounds, and representing key stakeholders (see list at end of report), these individuals developed the themes crystallised as recommendations in this report, based on the principles of consumer-centred care.

29 January 2016 Submission

CHF 2016-17 Federal Budget Submission

Consumers Health Forum

Integrated and coherent health policy should start with the healthcare consumer and their needs. Wider policy must recognise the link between the nation’s overall health status and productivity: an investment in healthcare is an investment in the health of the budget itself.

7 January 2016 Position Statements

Position Statement on Private Health Insurance

Consumers Health Forum
Preserving Consumer Choices Without Sacrificing the Principles of Universal Health Care
8 December 2015 Presentations and Speeches

CHF Awards Honorary Life Membership to Ainslie Cahill

Consumers Health Forum
An outstanding contributor to the Consumers Health Forum, Ainslie Cahill, has been awarded Honorary Life Membership of CHF in recognition of commitment to improving outcomes for all health consumers.
7 December 2015 Presentations and Speeches

The 2015 Christopher Newell AM Oration

Consumers Health Forum
Dr Kym Jenkins, President Elect, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, presented the 2015 Christopher Newell AM Oration at CHF's Annual General Meeting, in which she spoke of the need to merge practices of mental and physical health.
5 November 2015 Health Voices

Health Voices, Issue 17, November 2015

Consumers Health Forum

Preventive health... a cure for the future

5 October 2015 Consumers Shaping Health

Consumers Shaping Health, vol 9, issue 5, October 2015

Consumers Health Forum

This edition contains a report of the highlights from our Members and Stakeholders Forum held in August 2015, as well as links to the presentations.

28 August 2015 Position Statements

Position Statement on Biosimilar Medicines

Consumers Health Forum
CHF supports the effective, safe and successful entry of biosimilars into the Australian market. This is in the interest of consumers as they will have access to a wider group of therapeutic options. In line with the National Medicines Policy safe and effective medicines should be available to consumers at the lowest possible cost. Patients should not have to pay more for a biosimilar than a reference brand.
17 August 2015 Presentations and Speeches

Health literacy and consumer-centred care: at the brink of change?

Consumers Health Forum
Leanne Wells, Chief Executive Officer, Consumers Health Forum of Australia, gave the Ian Webster Health for All Oration to the annual forum of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity on 13 August 2015.
30 June 2015 Presentations and Speeches

Towards a stronger medicare

Consumers Health Forum
On 30 June 2015 CHF CEO Leanne Wells spoke to the Melbourne Institute Public Economic 'Towards a Stronger Medicare' Forum at the National Press Club.
