CHF Awards Honorary Life Membership to Ainslie Cahill
The 2015 Christopher Newell AM Oration
Health Voices, Issue 17, November 2015
Preventive health... a cure for the future
Consumers Shaping Health, vol 9, issue 5, October 2015
This edition contains a report of the highlights from our Members and Stakeholders Forum held in August 2015, as well as links to the presentations.
Position Statement on Biosimilar Medicines
Health literacy and consumer-centred care: at the brink of change?
Towards a stronger medicare
Membership report card June 2015
Pharmacists and Primary Health Care Consumer Survey Report
The major implication of these results for health policymakers is that defenders of traditional “silos” of medicine need to rethink what ought to be considered traditional roles for GPs and pharmacists. Moreover, if pharmacists are going to assume a greater role in the provision of primary care services, then the industry is going to have to think through what training and accommodation will be necessary to give consumers the confidence that these services do not compromise the quality they have come to expect from GPs.
Submission to RACGP Paper: Vision for a Sustainable Health System
Abstract: CHF's submission to the RACGP's Vision for a Sustainable Health System Discussion Paper.