
23 June 2021 - 9:00am


Virtual event

Virtual event hosted by the Australasian Institute of Clinical Governance (AICG).

Most highly developed industrialised nations, including Australia and New Zealand, generally enjoy good health outcomes. People want to trust health service organisations and the professionals within them to provide safe and high-quality care. Adverse events, however, are still far too prevalent.

1 in 9 patients in Australian hospitals suffers a complication.

These events aren’t just happening in hospitals; lapses in patient safety and quality care occur across all healthcare sectors, including primary care, aged care, disability and mental health.

Better culture means better patient outcomes.

The AICG was formed in direct response to an identified need for health professionals to strengthen their skills in clinical governance to reduce the occurrence of adverse events. The decision was influenced by a number of reports, most recently the Victorian Government reports:

  • Targeting Zero, a review of hospital safety and quality assurance in Victoria (October 2016, Duckett S., Cuddihy M., Newnham H.) and,
  • Safer care saves money: How to improve patient care and save public money at the same time. (2018, Duckett, S., Jorm, C., Moran, G., and Parsonage, H. (April 2018)

As such, the AICG is committed to improving patient safety and quality care across all sectors through health professional development and education programs in clinical governance competencies. This is the inaugural Patient Safety & Quality Care Symposium.
