Consumer Link webinar - The co-world: co-design, co-production...

31 August 2022, 12noon (AEST)

This webinar will explore the co-world, including co-design, co-production and co-development, what it all means and the roles that consumers can play.  The panellists will also provide hints and tips to improve consumer involvement in working in partnership with organisations.


The panellists for this webinar were:

  • Dr Louisa Walsh, Researcher, Centre for Health Communication and Participation at La Trobe University
  • Joanna Szczepanska, Principal Project Officer, Co-design and Consumers, Safer Care Victoria
  • Callan Rowe, Design Researcher, Burnet Institute

Webinar recording

A number of questions were asked during the forum, these have been responded to during the forum.
Additional questions asked  and responded to via the Q&A included:

  • How can you avoid tokenism when co designing?
    [Response from Joanna]
    You can get a great deal of the way by being open about what decisions can be made and by who. Communication is key. One tool I have used is to map out who has power and when.
  • How much training or selection of patient stakeholders should happen given that statistical 'interpretations' and 'significance' can be convincing rather than 'proof' in the appraisal of research?  Otherwise there will be tokenism even if deemed a partnership?
    [Response from Louisa]
    Often for my projects there is a lot of upfront research into who is most affected by a topic. Who is currently using a service? Who isn't but should be? I would reframe training to arranging supports for partnering (having resourcing, time, coaching and defriefing). How you select your team is a great though-experiment. I'm often asking for committees and teams  that have been running for a while "Who should be here that isn't" "Have we got all the skills and perspectives here we need?". With co-design it's not so much us being super-skilled and over qualified. It's about bring in others with expertise and experience whenever we can.


Safer Care Victoria - Co-design
Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) - What a Patient Advocate Wants You to Know About Co-Designing Care
Using Social Media to Facilitate Consumer Engagement in health service improvement - Louisa Walsh research (La Trobe University) 
Beyond Sticky Notes [book] -
Literacy Field Guide -
FSG The Water of Systems ChangeThe Water of Systems Change - FSG
Design Council (UK) -
Agency for Clinical Innovation (NSW) -
