Diving deep into high level strategy to help consumers get the best from their healthcare In the Oct 2021 edition of Consumers Shaping Health , we discuss the high level Policy advocacy positions CHF is taking during Policy and Strategy Reviews for Medicines Policy and for Australia's largest...
Let’s get it together on protection for all Migrants represent much of Australia’s present and future vitality yet right now bear a disproportionate burden of the COVID pandemic. It’s a disturbing reality that many migrants are not on an equal footing with other Australians when it comes to...
Coronavirus exposes importance of health literacy We urgently need to see in Australia an effective national program to improve health literacy among low socio-economic and people from non-English speaking backgrounds. In the face of the current coronavirus crisis, never has the health literacy of...
Dental funding welcome but more needed to end decay — healthUpdate newsletter for 12 June 2020 covers: Digital mental health standards Webinar replays for; Not going viral - discussion with the doctors at the centre of the national effort;the National Health Information Strategy and Telehealth in...
Leaders from national health HQ to take part in CHF webinar — healthUpdate newsletter for 21 May 2020 covers: Guide to avoiding COVID-19 Webinar replays for Telehealth in primary care and the National Health Information Strategy Drop the jargon - information on health literacy and communicating in...
Coronavirus, change and the consumer — healthUpdate newsletter for 09 April 2020 covers: Telehealth and patient feedback National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce Health literacy during the pandemic Understanding young people's thinking about COVID-19 view the newsletter
CHF appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) review of the regulation of certain self-testing IVDs in Australia. Our response to the consultation includes consideration and input from our members. We are of the view that consumers should be...
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