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At CHF our vision is for a world class health system centered on consumers and communities. The way we achieve this is by drawing on consumer and community knowledge and experience to relentlessly drive innovation and improvements to the Australian healthcare system.  

We facilitate a range of ways for consumers to be engaged. These include (but are not limited to): 

  • Committees and Advisory Boards   

  • Advisory panels 

  • Roundtable discussions and forums  

  • Workshops   

  • Research  

  • Speaking on panels and webinars  

  • Education sessions  

  • Surveys  

  • Reviewing resources  

We are committed to connecting consumers with the right skills and experiences to provide valuable input to these opportunities.  

We offer resources for people partnering with consumers and for consumers on our Resources page.   

Support options


What CHF does 

What you do 


Lead Time 

  1. Promote 

(per project, up to three consumers)  

  • We create a Consumer EOI, advertise your vacancy on all our member and consumer channels, including supporting documents and links. 
  • Applicants apply directly to you.  
  • Complete a Request a Consumer form below detailing your project and consumer requirements.   
  • Shortlist, interview and select consumer applicant/s that best meet your requirements.  


4 weeks to promote across all our communication channels (including social media, website and Consumer Voices newsletter).  

2. Recruit and recommend 

(per project, up to three consumers) 

  • We advertise your vacancy on all our member and consumer channels, including supporting documents and links.  
  • We collate shortlist, interview and recommend  applicant/s to you. 
  • You may choose to review a short list.  
  • If happy with the recommended candidate/s, you formalise the appointment.  


6-8 weeks 

3. Bespoke 

If you are looking to appoint to multiple projects, a new committee with sub committees, establish an advisory panel  or need to train consumers following appointment, or other ideas we can create a bespoke package to ensure the best outcome for your project.

To be discussed according to each project’s complexity. 

Consumer payment  

Consumers bring valuable expertise and insights to the table.  CHF advocates that consumers are reimbursed for their time, in recognition of their experience and expertise.  

The current remuneration rate as per the Commonwealth Remunerations Tribunal for part-time office holders at member rates (ie not Chairperson or other Office Holder) are:   

  • Hourly fee: $92.80 

  • Daily fee: $464 (based on a 5-hour day), unless committee/authority is specified in Part 4, Table 4A- Daily Fees.   

  • Annual fee: as listed in Part 3 Table 3A-Annual Fees.

Consumers should also be reimbursed for reasonable travel and accommodation expenses. 

smiling woman

Keep up-to-date with our activities and opportunities to be involved with new opportunities, events, webinars and more.
