01 July 2024

In July 2024, panellists told us:
There is a need for greater transparency around the current use of AI in healthcare.
The majority of panellists trusted AI to make decisions about their healthcare, however only if the output is checked by a health professional.
With the use of AI in healthcare increasing around Australia and the world, it is more important than ever for consumers to remain informed about their healthcare. One-third of panellists reported being unsure whether AI is currently being used in healthcare and fewer than one in six panellists reported their knowledge of AI in healthcare was excellent or very good. This suggests there is a significant gap between what is happening in practice versus what is understood about AI today. Panellists were more comfortable with AI being used to perform administrative health tasks such as scheduling appointment and were less comfortable with AI being involved directly in their healthcare, for example in diagnosing or suggesting treatment options.
Panellists reported concerns with AI use in healthcare, in that it may replace healthcare staff, be based on unknown or biased data as well as concerns over data security. The majority of respondents expressed a strong desire for ongoing monitoring and transparent reporting of AI’s impact on health outcomes. Panellists were very interested to hear more about the current and future uses of AI in healthcare. Additionally panellists were keen to improve their knowledge around data security and learn how AI may impact relationships with health professionals. In response CHF calls for healthcare stakeholders to actively involve health consumers in discussions about where and how AI should be integrated, ensuring that innovation is driven by community needs and values.