12 February 2025

The Australian Community Pharmacy Authority (the Authority) is a legislative body that decides whether a new pharmacy can open or if an existing one can move to a new location, in accordance with the Pharmacy Location Rules as outlined in the National Health Act 1953 (Act).
Before a pharmacy can be approved to dispense subsidised medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), it needs to pass Pharmacy Location Rules. The PBS is a government program that helps Australians afford prescription medicines by covering part of the cost, so people only pay a set amount. The Authority uses the Pharmacy Location Rules to make sure that pharmacies are set up in places that meet the community's needs and support equitable access to medicines.
The opportunity and your role
In partnership with DoHAC, CHF is looking for two (2) consumer representatives for the Authority. As a member of the Authority, the consumer representatives will contribute towards:
Considering applications against the requirements of the Pharmacy Location Rules.
Making recommendations about whether an application should be approved.
Members will:
Attend ten (10) virtual meetings per year (approximately one day per month).
Dedicate two days per month to meeting preparation.
Be remunerated for their time based on the standard Commonwealth Remuneration Tribunal rate.
Be appointed for a two-year term.
To succeed in the role, you will have experience as a consumer representative on committees or advisory groups, and be confident in collaborating with senior executives and clinical professionals. Experience in the pharmacy space is also valued.
To apply and for further information
A panel will assess all expressions of interest to gain a diverse range of perspectives. We will keep the information provided in your expression of interest confidential and it will only be shared with DoHAC for the purposes of facilitating selection and participation.
If you have any queries, please contact Consumer Engagement Officer, Morgan Lee-Murphy, at admin@chf.org.au
Expressions of Interest close on Monday 24 February 2025 at 8am AEDT.