Make sure you know as much as you can about the committee. Committees may vary in:

  • Scope of their activity 
    Some committees are extremely broad in their scope, for example, the National Health and Medical Research Council; while others have a very narrow focus, for example, the Asthma Working Group of the National Health and Medical Research Council.
  • Purpose
    Committees are established for many different purposes, for example, to advise on policy; review a particular program; plan a survey; control pricing; prepare material; or to hear complaints or appeals.
  • Authority
    Committees can have advisory authority only; power to recommend but not to decide; and authority to regulate or control or to set standards. Their area of authority, or jurisdiction, will also vary from national coverage, to the state or territory level, or to local areas.
  • Method of operation
    Committees may have regular and ongoing meetings or exist until a task is completed. Venues for meetings may vary from face-to-face meetings to teleconferences or video conferencing.

The same person may always chair meetings, or members may rotate 
