CHF assists with sourcing consumer representation in two ways. In a select number of cases we run a selection and nomination process (nominating consumer representatives to a limited number of high level national committees and those related to funded priority areas). Where we cannot assist in this way, we advertise consumer representative opportunities to our national network, with applications going directly to the committee organisers (CHF does not play a role in the selection or nomination). 

In both cases, we first ensure that consumer representation is supported by the payment of a sitting fee and the coverage of travel expenses (when appropriate) to make it possible for the consumer representatives to contribute.  As the consumer advocates are drawn from our networks and are not paid members of the CHF secretariat, the committee organisers need to agree to support their participation in line with best practice ie. coverage of expenses/travel costs and payment of an appropriate sitting fee.

The CHF position is that consumer representatives are not honoraries who come from an academic or professional position. Consumers frequently forego their paid employment in order to prepare for and attend meetings or have to make other arrangements for ongoing commitments.  CHF expects consumer representatives to be committed to their work and does not put its consumer representatives in positions where they will be financially disadvantaged by their desire to improve health care.

CHF does not set a level for sitting fees as work and time requirements vary.  When asked for guidance CHF refers committee organisers to the middle range (category 2- on page 6) set by the Remuneration Tribunal for offices not-specified (available online at PTO 2022 - Compilation No. 4.pdf ( - updated August 28 2022).  This is around $430 per day (5 hours) . Meetings of less than 5 hours attract a proportion of this fee (2/5 or 3/5). Sitting fees should be paid for teleconferences as the consumer representative is still required to set time aside to prepare and attend the meeting.
