19 May 2020

Fifteen national organisations, including CHF, have joined the Continuity of Care Collaboration to support those living with chronic health conditions to ensure they get the treatment and preventive care they need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A vital part of this campaign is a national survey which CHF supports.
Complete the survey here: https://bit.ly/3bIQ32T
There has been a significant decline in people seeing their GP and having diagnostic tests and minimise the post COVID-19 community health legacy. The Continuity of Care Collaboration which comprises industry and healthcare organisations coming together to stress the importance for people to continue monitoring their health and maintaining their regular care. The CCC represents the broad healthcare ecosystem, including physicians, nurses, allied health professionals and patient organisations.
The Collaboration believes patient safety and continuity of care has never been more important, particularly for those patients who have chronic and complex diseases or conditions, vulnerable populations, the elderly and immunocompromised.
As CHF CEO Leanne Wells says, “The Australian people have done an outstanding job by staying home to save lives. The Federal Government and various healthcare professional organisations have worked together to enable patients to receive medical care by minimising the risks of acquiring COVID-19 through implementing strategies such as Telehealth, e-prescribing of medicines and home delivery of medicines.”
John Crothers, Chair of Pathology Awareness Australia says that a few weeks ago, laboratory testing had declined by 40 per cent, resulting in 60,000 patients not getting their regular pathology or diagnostic testing to manage or diagnose conditions. ;“This, combined with a drop in people presenting for general practice appointments, is an indicator that people are not seeking expert medical advice and maintaining their regular health routines”.
The organisations in the Collaboration are: Pathology Awareness Australia, Australian Diabetes Society, RACGP, Medicines Australia, National Rural Health Alliance, Consumers Health Forum, Australian Primary Health Nurses Association, Heart Foundation, Allied Health Professionals Australia, Prostrate Cancer Foundation Australia, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, Jean Hailes Foundation, Royal College of Pathologist of Australasia, Australian Patient Association and Patient Voice Initiative) have come together to actively support those living with chronic health conditions to manage and monitor their health, and advocate for preventative health during the COVID-19 pandemic and minimise the post COVID-19 community health legacy.