Webinar with Dr Nick Coatsworth and Prof Michael Kidd - a discussion with the two Deputy Chief Medical Officers on COVID_19 in Australia
Australia’s leading health officials provided both caution and encouragement for consumers when they spoke on CHF’s Not Going Viral webinar this week. The Deputy Chief Medical Officers, Professor Michael Kidd and Dr Nick Coatsworth, shared valuable insights for consumers about what to expect as the...
The mental health impacts of COVID-19 are a challenge worldwide as fear and anxiety about the disease are compounded for many by isolation, housing insecurity and financial worries. However, one potential benefit of this challenge could be that it highlights the need for our health care system to...
Fifteen national organisations, including CHF, have joined the Continuity of Care Collaboration to support those living with chronic health conditions to ensure they get the treatment and preventive care they need during the COVID-19 pandemic. A vital part of this campaign is a national survey...
Australia’s eight leading universities have joined to produce a document impressive in scope and detail to provide a guide out of our crisis. It’s COVID-19 Roadmap to Recovery. A Report for the Nation . The report describes the medical and health options in depth and the myriad health, social and...
The rush of developments in health care triggered by COVID-19 is opening up significant changes in the health workforce which could bode well for health consumers not only now but in a post-COVID world. The accelerating demand for urgent health services, doctors, nurses and paramedics is imposing...
In a few short weeks, Australians’ response to COVID-19 has ramped up significantly. We have moved from messages that told the community to continue life as normal to declaring states of emergency, closing borders, travel bans and lockdowns. These measures were introduced after too many people...
The Federal Government’s $2.4 billion health plan to fight COVID-19 is an impressive and wide-ranging response that prepares Australians and health services well to counter the threat of a pandemic, the Consumers Health Forum said today. “The provision of bulk-billed telehealth medical services,...
The recent letter sent to GPs warning against co-billing Medicare for physical and mental health issues is as concerning for health consumers as it is for doctors. We expect Medicare funding to be used appropriately to deliver high-value care and for waste to be avoided, but the treatment of...
Jan Donovan The risks and costs of overdiagnosis pose an important and complex issue for health consumers in Australia and many other countries. An international conference on Preventing Overdiagnosis held in Sydney recently shone light on the varied issues raised by overdiagnosis that demand...
Australia should use social prescribing to counter rising chronic health problems, according to a new report from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Consumers Health Forum (CHF). Social prescribing involves the referral of patients to non-medical activities,...


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