The Federal Government must heed the call of its health insurance regulator and establish an independent review into private health insurance, the Consumers Health Forum says. Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority board member Geoff Summerhayes has made the call this week in a penetrating...
Health consumers everywhere have lost a true champion with the passing of Diana Aspinall, at age 80. A leading figure in the development of the health consumer movement in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Diana set a wonderful example over 45 years of the way consumer advocates can make a lasting...
As so many Australians who have needed mental health care know, the ideal of universal access to the services they need is a fiction. The Productivity Commission’s draft report on mental health points to “a once in a generation opportunity to reform our mental health system”, the Consumers Health...
The battery of reviews into Australia’s health system currently underway indicate the Government recognises the need for real action and greater investment in health, but the next Federal Budget must show the Government is for real on health, the Consumers Health Forum says. Releasing CHF’s...
The consequences of the terrible bushfires which have swept Australia in recent days bring together two systemic challenges impacting on life as we know it: climate change and an outmoded health system. The fires make increasingly urgent the need for remastered health and environment approaches...
Logo for Australia's Health Panel
The bushfires ravaging Australia are taking our environmental health challenges into uncertain territory, making it more vital that we are kept up to date about the health consequences and for there to be a proactive, comprehensive plan for prevention and management. Today Australia’s Health Panel...
Australians’ views on the impact of climate change and health will be the subject of a new Australia’s Health Panel survey which launches today. “The survey on climate and health comes at a pivotal time given the bushfires that have hit so many communities hard,” the CEO of the Consumers Health...
The Medical Costs Finder website launched today is a disappointing first step towards the greater fees transparency so sadly lacking in Australia’s private medical arrangements, the Consumers Health Forum says. “But it is a start and we hope just the first step towards a system in which all doctors...
Consumers as leaders in healthcare will be the central theme of the inaugural Australasian Shifting Gears conference hosted by the Consumers Health Forum in September 2020. The health system is “shifting gears” with consumers demanding and acquiring a greater say in health – their own and society’s...
The fires and drought engulfing Australia have confronted Australians with the dire health consequences of climate change and the imperative for an urgent and credible response, the Consumers Health Forum and Climate and Health Alliance said today. “Millions of people have witnessed the direct...


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