Thank you for your interest in being a consumer representative. Please read through these guidance notes before completing your application.

To complete your application, you will need to:

  • complete CHF Consumer Representatives Nomination Form
  • enclose your CV and
  • any other supporting information.

Information in support of your application

Ensure that the information you provide is relevant to the committee or the issues you have expressed an interest in, and that it makes your experience as a consumer representative clear. Do not include sensitive information that you would be uncomfortable with CHF passing on to the requesting body or Minister.

The nomination form asks for certain information for CHF to consider when making a decision. Guidance on the sort of information to provide for each question number is provided below:

  1. Your interest in the area.
  2. Whether you are a consumer in the areas that form the committee or working party’s terms of reference, or of the issues that you have expressed an interest in.
  3. What experiences you have had that will help you in your role as a consumer representative or are relevant to the work of the committee. This includes membership of groups, committees and any previous consumer representative experience.
  4. Consumer or community organisation(s) you belong to or work with that could support you as a consumer representative – for example, to give you information, talk to you about difficulties, put you in touch with other consumers.
  5. Formal qualifications or training are not expected for consumer representation. However CHF is interested in knowing what other skills or perspectives other than consumer experience you will bring to the committee, and whether you will face any conflict of interest (for example, a professional interest in the issue or a relevant work history).

Disclosure of information

The information you provide in your nomination form and in any attached CV or other documents may be made available to the CHF Secretariat or Board. Staff and Board members are bound by CHF’s Privacy Policy.

Conflict of Interest

Consumer Representatives should declare any conflict of interest, or a potential or perceived conflict of interest, when nominating to be a Consumer Representative. If a conflict of interest was not declared, or arises, Consumer Representatives must notify CHF. Remember that conflict of interest can be interpreted more broadly than simply a financial interest – for example, you might sit on one committee which has contracted work from your new committee or you might stand to benefit from a treatment under discussion.


Consumer Representatives may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement with their committee or undertake to keep some aspects of their work confidential. Confidentiality Deeds can have legal implications. Consumer Representatives must adhere to any confidentiality agreement they make and should ensure that they understand the requirements and implications of any agreement that they sign.

Unsuccessful nominees

If you are unsuccessful, you will be advised and your nomination will be kept on the expressions of interest file for that committee.

Successful nominees

If you are successful, your nomination form and CV will be kept on the confidential file related to the committee you have been selected for. In addition, your name and contact details will be forwarded to the requesting body, with a brief statement in support of your nomination based on information provided in your nomination form and CV. In some cases, your CV will also be sent to the requesting body. If you apply for a Ministerial committee and your name is recommended to the Minister, your CV will also be sent on. CHF has no control over what happens to your information after it is passed on. CHF recommends that you think carefully about the information you provide in support of your nomination so that you do not provide sensitive personal health information you do not wish to be disclosed to the requesting body or to the Minister.

A small amount of detail, including your name and CHF member organisation or endorsing consumer network, will be passed on to unsuccessful nominees. These will also be published in the next edition of Consumer Voices, CHF’s newsletter. This builds awareness among CHF’s members and consumer representatives about our program and makes clear the organisation to which you are accountable or has a role in supporting you (your CHF member organization or endorsing consumer network). CHF also keeps a list of committees on its website. In the public area, this shows the committee name, organising body and your name. 

If you would like any assistance in preparing your nomination, please do not hesitate to contact the CHF Secretariat on (02) 6273 5444 or

Note: formal qualifications or training are not expected for consumer representation

Note: After you have chosen your file, be sure to press the 'Upload' button to save it.

Upload a copy of your CV to CHF via mail or email to
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp avi mov wav.
Please upload a letter of endorsement from your CHF member organisation or supporting consumer network to CHF, or email it to
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png txt rtf pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp.