
CHF asks that you provide a report on your work as one of our network of representatives. This means we can keep up to date on the progress of your committee, provide you with the advice and assistance you need and keep other representatives and consumers informed of the issues that you are working on.

Ideally, you should report to CHF following every meeting, but we understand that it is sometimes difficult to do this or not always necessary, so the timing of your reports is at your discretion. We also understand that this format might not suit you, so please use another format if you prefer.

Can this report be published and shared with other consumer representatives about the committee's work?
What decisions have been made which will affect or interest CHF or consumers?
Please provide details on any achievements that you would like CHF to know about
If yes, what is it? Who do we contact for a copy?
And if so, do you need help addressing them? What can we do to help?
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png bmp pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx avi mov wav.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp tif txt rtf pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods avi mov mp3 ogg wav.

Remember that CHF is here to support and assist you, so don't hesitate to call if you need advice or assistance. On submission, your report will be sent to CHF and a copy sent to your email address.