12 June 2020

From a consumer perspective, ethical issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic have attracted wide interest among our constituents.
CHF and consumer representatives from around the country recently participated in a workshop with the NHMRC Australian Health Ethics Committee and others to discuss these matters, ensuring that consumer concerns and issues were highlighted. These discussions have informed the ongoing work of the National COVID-19 Health and Research Advisory Committee (NCHRAC).
To inform our position on this topic we consulted our members and networks. We received detailed responses from a broad spectrum of organisations including those involved in cancer care, disease-specific groups, rare disease patient organisations, leading mental health organisations and CHF members with interests and expertise in quality and safety, as well as a consolidated submission from the state-based peak organisations.
The CHF Position Statement summarising the key ethical and policy issues from a consumer perspective is available below.
Further information about the National COVID-19 Health and Research Advisory Committee and a report from the NCHRAC on the ethical issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, can be accessed at this link.