09 April 2019

We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ right to be listened to in the Australian Parliament and acknowledged in the Australian Constitution.
The Consumers Health Forum believes all Australians deserve to have a say in the issues affecting them and that genuine consultation and partnership lead to successful outcomes and solutions. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have consistently reminded us that they are best placed to address the current situation facing their families and communities.
A national survey recently found over 70 per cent of respondents support constitutional recognition and 60.7 per cent supporting the Voice to Parliament proposal. The Uluru Statement from the Heart has received unmatched, collective support from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We strongly urge governments to listen to the Australian people and acknowledge the historical and ongoing lived experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the constitution and prioritise genuine consultation in the Australian Parliament.
Recognition at the highest levels of leadership followed by an ongoing commitment to a genuine partnership will be central in reshaping and strengthening Australia’s national identity and enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to flourish.