16 May 2022

CHF identified four key policy areas in its Election Platform 2022: Community health and wellness in the 21st century launched in February 2022. Across these, we called for 13 commitments from Australia’s political parties which would lay the groundwork for a modern sustainable health system that gives equitable access to services and will enable people to get the right care, at the right time and at the right cost.
We invited the Liberal-National Party Coalition (the Coalition), Australian Labor Party (ALP) and the Australian Greens (the Greens) to respond directly to our reform recommendations. We indicated to all parties our intention to publish their responses alongside our appraisal. We received responses from the ALP but not from the Coalition or the Australian Greens.
In our appraisal we rate the parties against the priorities set out in our Election Platform. We also highlight key initiatives from all parties that we believe, while not articulated in our platform, would help achieve the same goals. We have conducted this appraisal using two sources: statements made by the major parties during the election campaign, the parties’ responses to our letter and discussions we have had with them.
Our appraisal applies to the various election pledges made by the major parties as at 16 May 2022.