17 August 2015 Presentations and Speeches

Health literacy and consumer-centred care: at the brink of change?

Consumers Health Forum
Leanne Wells, Chief Executive Officer, Consumers Health Forum of Australia, gave the Ian Webster Health for All Oration to the annual forum of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity on 13 August 2015.
30 June 2015 Presentations and Speeches

Towards a stronger medicare

Consumers Health Forum
On 30 June 2015 CHF CEO Leanne Wells spoke to the Melbourne Institute Public Economic 'Towards a Stronger Medicare' Forum at the National Press Club.
19 June 2015 Presentations and Speeches

Membership report card June 2015

Consumers Health Forum
So far in 2015, on behalf of members, CHF has...
17 June 2015 Report

Pharmacists and Primary Health Care Consumer Survey Report

Consumers Health Forum

The major implication of these results for health policymakers is that defenders of traditional “silos” of medicine need to rethink what ought to be considered traditional roles for GPs and pharmacists. Moreover, if pharmacists are going to assume a greater role in the provision of primary care services, then the industry is going to have to think through what training and accommodation will be necessary to give consumers the confidence that these services do not compromise the quality they have come to expect from GPs.

15 June 2015 Submission

Submission to RACGP Paper: Vision for a Sustainable Health System

Consumers Health Forum

Abstract: CHF's submission to the RACGP's Vision for a Sustainable Health System Discussion Paper.

1 June 2015 Report

“Unique and essential”: a review of the role of consumer representatives in health decision-making

Jennifer Doggett for the Consumers Health Forum of Australia
The aim of this project was to review and assess the evidence that demonstrates the contributions and outcomes of consumer representation on health and medical Boards/Committees, in particular to document the impact of consumer representatives’ contribution to health policies, programs and services.
18 May 2015 Submission

Submission on the Issues Paper for the Post-market Review of the Life Saving Drugs Programme

Consumers Health Forum

The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) is pleased to provide a submission to the Issues Paper for the Post-Market Review of the Life-Saving Drugs Programme (the Issues Paper). Before going into the content of our views, we want to express our deep concerns with the limitations the Review has given to stakeholders to comment on the Issues Paper.

13 May 2015 Position Statements

CHF's First Views on Budget 2015-16

Consumers Health Forum

This is an initial analysis of the Federal Health Budget from the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF). There is further detail in the Budget papers that require further appraisal before CHF takes a view on these aspects. We are preparing a more detailed analysis based on further briefings and consultations.

27 April 2015 Health Voices

Health Voices, Issue 16, April 2015

Consumers Health Forum

PHNs... Will they be good for our health?

17 April 2015 Submission

Submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the Availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs in Australia

Consumers Health Forum

This submission into the Availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs in Australia draws on the experiences of our members and consumer representatives in assessing the availability and effectiveness of medicines in Australia, and in particular the operation of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
