YHF Masterclasses - Australian Heath System slides
In this edition of Consumer Voices we launch a new website on the new 60-day prescibing rules that will be introduced from 1 September 2023. We also call for community members to consider becoming a Director for Consumers Health Forum, you can find the webinar replay with the Minister of Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler MP plus other news and consumer opportunities.
CHF calls for a national, universal approach to oral and dental health in Australia to address the extent of disadvantage currently seen and the alarming burden that preventable dental issues will have on the wider health system if we continue to wait until consumers present at hospitals for treatment. The current system does not align with consumer expectations of health care in Australia.
The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review has been put into place in order to determine where the HTA can improve to best suit all stakeholders. The Consumers Health Forum believes the process needs to be made more transparent, and focus less on the dollars and cents in order to best serve the consumers who need access to health technologies.
Safe storytelling and controlling your narrative Story Holder guide