15 June 2015 Submission

Submission to RACGP Paper: Vision for a Sustainable Health System

Consumers Health Forum

Abstract: CHF's submission to the RACGP's Vision for a Sustainable Health System Discussion Paper.

1 June 2015 Report

“Unique and essential”: a review of the role of consumer representatives in health decision-making

Jennifer Doggett for the Consumers Health Forum of Australia
The aim of this project was to review and assess the evidence that demonstrates the contributions and outcomes of consumer representation on health and medical Boards/Committees, in particular to document the impact of consumer representatives’ contribution to health policies, programs and services.
18 May 2015 Submission

Submission on the Issues Paper for the Post-market Review of the Life Saving Drugs Programme

Consumers Health Forum

The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) is pleased to provide a submission to the Issues Paper for the Post-Market Review of the Life-Saving Drugs Programme (the Issues Paper). Before going into the content of our views, we want to express our deep concerns with the limitations the Review has given to stakeholders to comment on the Issues Paper.

13 May 2015 Position Statements

CHF's First Views on Budget 2015-16

Consumers Health Forum

This is an initial analysis of the Federal Health Budget from the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF). There is further detail in the Budget papers that require further appraisal before CHF takes a view on these aspects. We are preparing a more detailed analysis based on further briefings and consultations.

27 April 2015 Health Voices

Health Voices, Issue 16, April 2015

Consumers Health Forum

PHNs... Will they be good for our health?

17 April 2015 Submission

Submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the Availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs in Australia

Consumers Health Forum

This submission into the Availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs in Australia draws on the experiences of our members and consumer representatives in assessing the availability and effectiveness of medicines in Australia, and in particular the operation of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

10 April 2015 Submission

Submission to Review of Complementary Medicines - Expert Review of Medicines and Medical Devices Regulation

Consumers Health Forum

The definitive goal of this review of the regulatory framework should be the safety and quality of complementary medicines in Australia. Any new framework must carefully balance the risk to consumer safety and consumer choice concerns.

2 April 2015 Consumers Shaping Health

Consumers Shaping Health, vol 9, issue 2, April 2015

Consumers Health Forum

CHF's new CEO; Pharmacy deal in urgent need of new script; Health Minister Ley: 'above all, consumer-focused'; Now co-pay is cremated, time to revive Medicare; Asthma Australia conference; In sickness and in health; Why do I even need this test?; "Frequent flyer" claim shown to be a sick joke for many patients; AHHA Think Tank on Reform of the Federation and Health; Life Saving Drugs Programme Review

2 February 2015 Consumers Shaping Health

Consumers Shaping Health, vol 9, issue 1, February 2015

Consumers Health Forum

Nothing about us, without us!;Tackling obesity: Australia wants change; Price Signals and Health Hazards; Federal Government must not send medicines safety checks offshore; Thanks and farewell to Adam; The costs of chronic illness; Would you like to be part of Consumers Shaping Health?; Problems with Federal/State buck-passing?

1 February 2015 Submission

Submission to the Federal Treasurer on the 2015-16 Federal Budget

Consumers Health Forum
The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) is the national peak body representing the interests of Australian healthcare consumers. CHF works to achieve safe, quality, timely healthcare for all Australians, supported by accessible health information and systems. CHF welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Federal Treasurer to inform the 2015-16 Federal Budget. In the last year there has been much discussion around the Government’s desire to reduce expenditure and health has been a target of these discussions, with many statements about the unsustainability of Medicare and a looming blowout in health expenditure.
