10 May 2024 Submission

In the context of CHF’s commitment to quality improvement in healthcare, CHF supports and recognises the value of automated decision-making and discriminative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, which have been used in healthcare for many decades.

However, the sudden rise of generative word modelling, such as ChatGPT, prompts CHF to raise significant concerns, as many features of generative AI software may pose significant risks to consumers when used in a healthcare setting. As such, CHF welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI).

To ensure alignment with the Committee’s Terms of Reference, this submission focuses exclusively on generative AI.

27 March 2024 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

CHF appreciates the opportunity to provide a submission to the “Co-design of an Enhanced Consumer Engagement Process for health technology assessment consultation.

The overall health of Australians accessing the healthcare system relies heavily on the availability, safety and quality of health technologies approved by the TGA. Technologies are then subsidised by bodies such as the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) after recommendations by mechanisms such as the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) and the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC).

Consumers ultimately bear the cost of all health technologies through their taxes and out-of-pocket expenses. For this reason, consumers are major stakeholders in any HTA reform. While recognising that ambitious reform will always require broad-ranging consensus, the views of Australians as health consumers are the most significant group during this process.

The original consultation document can be accessed here.


18 March 2024 Submission

Australians' diets are currently sub-optimal, with the majority of people consuming inadequate amounts of core foods and too many discretionary foods. This has negative impacts on population health, including through increased rates of overweight and obesity and a range of associated chronic diseases.

Exposure to marketing for unhealthy foods and drinks can influence food choices and dietary intake. This is especially true in childhood, when children are forming food habits and marketing can be a powerful socialisation agent. Current measures to reduce children's exposure to unhealthy food marketing in Australia are predominantly industry-led and voluntary in nature, with minimal regulatory protections in place.

This consultation sought stakeholder views around a range of potential actions the Government could take to limit unhealthy food marketing to children. CHF largely agrees with all of the potential actions proposed in the consultation paper and advocates for the actiosn ot be taken with the broadest possible parameters to maximise their effectiveness and opporuutnity to succeed.

15 March 2024 Consumer Voices
Consumers Health Forum

In this edition of Consumer Voices:

  • Australian Government announcement about the 8th Community Pharmacy Agreement
  • Watch recent webinar replays about Climate change and health and the Scope of Practice Review.  
  • Join a consumer panel for people who uise Life Suport Technology at home. 

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12 March 2024 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

At the heart of CHF’s policy agenda is consumer-centred care, which includes advocating for a consumer-centred Health Technology Assessment (HTA) process. CHF appreciates the opportunity to provide consumer insight into Consultation 2 of the Department of Health and Aged Care (DOHAC) Health Technology Assessment Review.

The content of these discussions is organised below in 5 topics, which mirror those presented in the HTA Consultation 2 Options Paper. The options paper can be found on the Office of Health Technology Assessment (OHTA) Consultation Hub: Policy and Methods Review - Consultation 2

CHF's submission was originally put forward to the HTA Review Reference Committee via an external survey run by company Bastion Designs, advertised via the Consultation Hub.

The document below presents the content of our submission, drafted in a way that is more accessible and easier to read.

29 February 2024 Consumer Voices
Consumers Health Forum

In this edition of Consumer Voices:

  • New medicinces released for 60-day prescriptions on 1 March 2024
  • CHF saddened by news that State Health Consumers Peak Body for Victoria announced it is closing on 7 March 2024.  
  • CEO, Elizabeth Deveny talks to the Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Ged Kearney MP 

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14 February 2024 Consumer Voices
Consumers Health Forum

In this edition of Consumer Voices:

  • Consumers Health Forum visits Parliament House
  • CHF advocates for ‘Understanding Medicare – Understanding Your Health’ community education sessions across Australia. 
  • Patient-Reported Indicated Surveys (PaRIS) Report 

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1 February 2024 Consumer Voices
Consumers Health Forum

In this edition of Consumer Voices we:

  • Call for the Australian government to fund CHF to deliver public education on better understanding of how to use all the health services that Medicare provides
  • Share the Federal Budget submission for 2024-23
  • Summarise a panel discussion at the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Helth Policy Forum

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30 January 2024 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

The prolonged rise in the cost-of-living has seen many Australians unable to keep up with their healthcare costs, which has resulted in many consumers reporting they are delaying seeking care. We know that when care is delayed it often results in poorer health outcomes for people and can also see people depend more on presenting to hospitals for emergency medicine.

A country like Australia must make sure that its citizens can receive healthcare, when and where they need it.

The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) believes that healthcare in Australia must be accessible, affordable and safe. While these measures are all important pillars of the Australian healthcare system, so too is fairness. People’s ability to access and afford healthcare should not be dependent on their bank balance or their postcode; we are confident this is something all Australians would agree on.

The themes of accessibility, affordability, safety and equity are the core principles on which CHF’s budget submission for 2024-25 has been developed. 

18 January 2024 Consumer Voices
Consumers Health Forum

In this edition of Consumer Voices we:

  • Share opportunities to hear CHF CEO, Elizabeth Deveny, speaking at both locally and internationally in coming weeks
  • Consumer opportunities to get involved in consultations, workshops and apply for positions on committees
  • Showcase CHF media appearances over the Christmas period

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