Federal Budget 2021-22 analysis

Since the Federal Budget 2021-22 was handed down by the Treasurer, Josh Frydenburg on Tuesday 11 May 2021, we have been working hard to bring you the latest information and expert commentary on how the Budget responds to the needs of health consumers.

Our Budget Briefing analysis is attached or you can download it from here, and we've created a short summary video overview you can view here.

Our media release on the Budget is here: Budget’s modest response to aged care and mental health inquiries

Further to this, leaders from the Youth Health Forum also provided commentary in a media release: Budget moves for youth health welcome as a first step

There will be follow-up webinar to discuss the briefing with national health policy leaders to provide further analysis of the measures, and reactions from other organisations and health policy experts. This will be scheduled soon. 

Contact Policy Director, Jo Root on email: J.Root@chf.org.au with any questions and feedback

Publication type: 
Publish date: 
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Consumers Health Forum