About Policy Submissions

We regularly make submissions to national level inquiries. If you are after a submission from earlier than listed here, please contact us.

24 July 2023
Consumers Health Forum of Australia

The Consumers Health forum, in conjunction with the Health Consumers' Council of WA, Health Consumers NSW, and Health Consumers QLD, has put forward a submission for the Department of Health...Read more

14 June 2023
Consumers Health Forum

CHF calls for a national, universal approach to oral and dental health in Australia to address the extent of disadvantage currently seen and the alarming burden that preventable dental issues will have on the wider health system if we continue to wait until consumers present at hospitals for...Read more

6 June 2023
Consumers Health Forum of Australia

The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review has been put into place in order to determine where the HTA can improve to best suit all stakeholders. The Consumers Health Forum believes the process needs to be made more transparent, and focus less on the dollars and cents in order to best serve...Read more

24 February 2023
Consumers Health Forum of Australia

The Department of Health and Aged Care requested submissions surrounding their proposals for governance surrounding GP Data and Electronic Clinical Decision Support.

CHF believes that consumers should be safe in the knowledge that the data they generate will be owned by them, and that...Read more

17 February 2023
Consumers Health Forum of Australia

AHPRA asked for submissions regarding their proposed restructure to telehealth guidelines. Read more

16 February 2023
Tammy Wolffs

Consumers broadly support the vision and principles of the draft strategy.  They consider that many of the proposed actions could be effective in reducing stigma and discrimination.  Some consumers pointed out that the Strategy could be applied more broadly than to mental health conditions, for...Read more

1 February 2023
Consumers Health Forum of Australia

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare proposed a Sustainable Healthcare Module. 

CHF believes that firmer action must be taken.Read more

26 January 2023
Consumers Health Forum

As the Commonwealth Government embarks on significant reforms to Australia’s complex health system, it has never been more crucial to work with the people who use and pay for our public health services. Research shows Australians care deeply about their health system and that their lived...Read more

18 January 2023
Consumers Health Forum

CHF is the national peak organisation for healthcare consumers. CHF’s vision is for Australia to have a world class health and social care system centred on consumers and communities. To achieve this, CHF wants to see consumers included in all governance structures within the health system and...Read more

22 December 2022
Tammy Wolffs

Long COVID Inquiry

CHF has lodged a submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport’s Inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections.

Consumers told CHF about their lived experiences and the services that they...Read more
