About Policy Submissions

We regularly make submissions to national level inquiries. If you are after a submission from earlier than listed here, please contact us.

17 October 2022
Consumers Health Forum

This submission responds to a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)  public consultation about whether the current scheduling of paracetamol is appropriate considering available data on paracetamol poisoning, including intentional overdose, and associated hospitalisations and deaths.  A...Read more

14 October 2022
Tammy Wolffs

Fresh eyes on sugar labelling

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is reviewing how sugar is labelled on food packaging.  Seemingly simple, FZANZ consulted widely.  Should packaging for canned and frozen fruit and vegetables include added sugar content?  How about dried fruit? ...Read more

4 August 2022
Tammy Wolffs

CHF wrote to the Treasurer in advance of the October Budget to set out the issues that are important to CHF, our members, and health consumers broadly.

The submission welcomes the Government's decision to deliver wellbeing Budgets in the future, and seeks initial steps to address cost of...Read more

13 July 2022
Consumers Health Forum

Submission from Consumers Health Forum  on the expansion of Telehealth Services, to the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)

The objective of this audit is to assess whether the Department of Health has effectively managed the expansion of telehealth services during and post the COVID‐...Read more

10 March 2022
Rebecca Edwards, Jennie Parham and Leanne Wells

The Australian health care system includes a national organisation representing health care consumers and equivalent organisations in most states and territories.  There are several disease-specific patient organisations, as well as formalised networks advocating for greater patient involvement...Read more

18 February 2022
Consumers Health Forum

The Department of Health undertook a two-stage consultation process to inform thinking around primary health care data and the use of electronic clinical decision support systems in primary health care. The two topics have been combined into a single Issues Paper...Read more

17 February 2022
Tammy Wolffs

The Cancer Council has called for views on designing and delivering a 10 year plan for collaborative, coordinated and national action for cancer outcomes and experience.

The CHF submission offers:

  • a focus on prevention
  • national consistency and equity
  • ...Read more
1 February 2022
Consumers Health Forum

The Federal Government invites the community, including individuals, businesses and groups to submit their views before the Budget is prepared and finalised. CHF has prepared our submission on the following...Read more

21 December 2021
Consumers Health Forum

A more connected and digital health system is a foundational element of a health system. For consumers, this means their health information is available when needed to share with their medical team and to help deliver whole-of-person care. It means that no matter where they live or happen to be...Read more

25 November 2021
Tammy Wolffs

CHF supports lifting the single rate of JobSeeker and related payments to a minimum of $910 per fortnight and aligning future increases of JobSeeker and related payments to pension indexation – that is, based on both the Consumer Price Index and Male Total Average...Read more
