About Policy Submissions

We regularly make submissions to national level inquiries. If you are after a submission from earlier than listed here, please contact us.

8 March 2019
Consumers Health Forum

CHF appreciates the opportunity to provide a comment to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) proposal to introduce a Unique Device Identification (UDI) system for medical devices in Australia.

At the heart of CHF’s policy agenda is patient-centred care. Our responses to the TGA’s...Read more

6 March 2019

Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback in response to the proposed Standard for Informed Financial Consent (the Standard), developed by the Cancer Council, Breast Cancer Network Australia, CanTeen and Prostate Cancer Foundation. 

CHF...Read more

5 March 2019
Consumers Health Forum

The CHF supports the reintroduction of pills into the scope of the remade Order. The omission of these from the current Order is an unfortunate regulatory oversight. Consumers implicitly trust the regulatory system to ensure any product made available to them undergoes rigorous assessment of...Read more

5 March 2019
Consumers Health Forum

We expect the primary impact of the reclassification for consumers will be a greater level of quality for Active Medical Devices in terms of reliability, safety and effectiveness. By putting these medical devices into a higher class they will undergo more rigorous assessment prior to becoming...Read more

5 March 2019
Consumers Health Forum

At the heart of CHF’s policy agenda is patient-centred care. Our responses to the TGA’s consultation has been formed with a patient-centred approach in mind.
CHF notes that this consultation’s scope is limited to the regulatory guidance in line with existing regulatory requirements, and not...Read more

4 March 2019
Consumers Health Forum

CHF appreciates the opportunity to provide a comment in response to proposed changes to a number of definitions and the scope of the medical device regulatory framework in Australia.
At the heart of CHF’s policy agenda is patient-centred care. Our responses to the TGA’s consultation...Read more

2 January 2019
Consumers Health Forum

This submission is prepared in the context of an imminent federal election. CHF will be putting out an election priorities document which sets out our proposed agenda for health reform for through to 2025.Read more

13 November 2018
Consumers Health Forum

CHF is committed to the National Medicines Policy and in ensuring that all Australians have access to high quality, safe medicines and that all medicines should be used in line with the principles of the quality use of medicines.

CHF is keen to ensure the scheduling process is used to...Read more

15 October 2018
Consumers Health Forum

CHF welcomed the Review of Medicines and Medical Device Regulation. Whilst we did not support all the recommended approach of removing the required pre-approval of therapeutic goods advertisements to a complaints-based system, we are pleased to work with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA...Read more

27 September 2018
Consumers Health Forum

CHF applauds the PSA’s renewed commitment to quality, safety, and meeting evolving community needs. We support the PSA’s intention to expand pharmacist roles but feel that this discussion paper has focused too much on community pharmacists and has overlooked the possibilities for hospital and...Read more
