8 March 2022 Consumers Shaping Health
Consumers Health Forum

Digital health is about to upend health care – are we ready?

In the Mar 2022 edition of Consumers Shaping Health, we ....  

  • Launched a Whitepaper on Digital Health: Australia's Health Reimaged, the result of a 12-month project with Deloitte, Curtin University and CHF 
  • Released a report from the Rural, Regional and Remote Roundtable held in Dec 2021
  • Showcase a COVID vaccine confidence training package for GP and General Practices, Pharmacists and Practice Nurses 

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3 March 2022 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum
3 March 2022 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum
3 March 2022 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum
3 March 2022 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum
3 March 2022 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum
3 March 2022 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum
3 March 2022 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum
28 February 2022 Report

Rural, Regional & Remote Roundtable on Health Service Access

Dr Penelope Bergen

The Rural, Regional and Remote Roundtable on Health Service Access was a virtual event held on 1 December 2021. The roundtable was hosted by the Consumers Health Forum (CHF) in partnership with the National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA).

The roundtable was instigated by CHF’s Rural and Remote Special Interest Group (SIG), a volunteer group of consumer health leaders. The SIG highlighted that access to specific services outside metro areas are problematic and a priority. They expressed a desire to be proactive in tackling these problems with consumer-led, consumer-driven and consumer-focused solutions.

The resulting roundtable report includes the solutions and ten recommendations that grassroots health consumers are seeking from government and other organisations to improve access to health services in rural, regional, and remote Australia.

18 February 2022 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

The Department of Health undertook a two-stage consultation process to inform thinking around primary health care data and the use of electronic clinical decision support systems in primary health care. The two topics have been combined into a single Issues Paper given the overlap in stakeholders and links between primary health care data and eCDS in the broader health care ecosystem. 

This is the CHF submission in response to the Health Issues Paper. Responses were sought in relation to current complex issues around GP data sharing and use of Electronic Decision Support Systems in the context of progress towards a nationally interoperable health system. 
