Consumers Health Forum held our Annual General Meeting for 2023 on 24 October via Zoom. The meeting was attended by twenty member representatives and members of the Board of Directors.
Consumers Health Forum held our Annual General Meeting for 2023 on 24 October via Zoom. The meeting was attended by twenty member representatives and members of the Board of Directors.
Board Communique to members and consumer reps
As 2023 draws to a close, we are distributing a Board Communique from our Chair Tony Lawson.
CHF engaged in a wide range of policy discussions reflecting our desire (supported by the Australian government) to put consumers at the centre of the discussion and ensure their voices were heard.
During 2022–23 we focussed on advocacy efforts in the following areas:
CHF engaged in a wide range of policy discussions reflecting our desire (supported by the Australian government) to put consumers at the centre of the discussion and ensure their voices were heard.
During 2022–23 we focussed on advocacy efforts in the following areas:
YHF Masterclasses - Australian Heath System useful links and resources
YHF Masterclasses - Australian Heath System slides
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