About Position Statements

We provide position statements on areas of concern for health consumers. For statements older than listed here, please contact us.

22 April 2022
Consumers Health Forum

CHF is aware of the government decision in the Federal Budget that the national Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) role currently fulfilled by NPS MedicineWise will transfer to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC).

From January 1, 2023:

18 February 2022
Consumers Health Forum

The Federal Election will be held on 21 May 2022. CHF has worked with our members and stakeholders to develop an election platform that sets out the commitments sought from the major political parties.

The focus of our...Read more

18 February 2022
Consumers Health Forum

The Federal Election will be held on 21 May 2022. CHF has worked with our members and stakeholders to develop an election platform that sets out the commitments sought from the major political parties.

The focus of our...Read more

18 February 2022
Consumers Health Forum

The Federal Election will be held on 21 May 2022. CHF has worked with our members and stakeholders to develop an election platform that sets out the commitments sought from the major political parties.

The focus of our...Read more

16 February 2022
Consumers Health Forum

"Building a  Centre of Excellence"  

To respond to the pressing challenges facing our health system CHF formed a Consumer Commission in 2020 to contribute ideas about the future of the Australian health and social care system in the...Read more

18 October 2021
Consumers Health Forum

Statement of Collaborative Intent

This Statement of Collaborative Intent reflects a partnership that respects the roles and responsibilities of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) and the Health Consumer Advocacy Network of South Australia (Health CAN SA). It underpins

...Read more
24 May 2021
Consumers Health Forum
21 January 2021

The rollout of COVID-19 vaccines is a significant step in the recovery journey from this pandemic and many of the principles outlined in the previously released ...Read more

23 June 2020
Consumers Health Forum
An analysis of the 7th Community Pharmacy Agreement signed on 11 June 2020 in light of CHF’s recommendations.Read more
12 June 2020
Consumers Health Forum

From a consumer perspective, ethical issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic have attracted wide interest among our constituents.

CHF and consumer representatives from around the country recently participated in a workshop with the NHMRC Australian Health Ethics Committee and others to...Read more
