30 April 2019 Submission

CHF appreciates the opportunity to provide a submission in response to the National Women’s Health Strategy 2020-2030: consultation draft (the Strategy). CHF welcomes the development of the Strategy and support the five priority areas identified. Our response addresses key considerations from...

29 April 2019 Submission

CHF is pleased to present this submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into the Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health. Our submission is structured around the questions in the Commission’s Issues Paper. We make some general comments on the overall scope of the...

12 April 2019 Submission
Youth Health Forum

Throughout their response to the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Mental Health, you will read the stories of members of the Youth Health Forum sharing their personal experiences with mental ill-health. Though their...

9 April 2019 Presentations and Speeches
Consumers Health Forum

Watch the webinar here. CEO Leanne Wells and Policy Manager Jo Root discuss the CHF analysis of the 2018 Health Budget and its implications for consumers.

9 April 2019 Position Statements
Consumers Health Forum

Read the full position here. We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ right to be listened to in the Australian Parliament and acknowledged in the Australian Constitution

The Consumers Health Forum believes all...

1 April 2019 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

Overall CHF supports the recommended priorities and actions and welcomes the commitment to further consultation with children, families and young people as implementation plans are developed and operationalised. We welcome ARACY’s proposed life course approach: it is important that the plan...
