3 September 2018 Position Statements

Since 2010, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has supported the development of statements articulating ethical principles for business and the healthcare sector in order to maximise the interests of patients and consumers, enhance access to safe and effective healthcare, and build...

23 August 2018 Presentations and Speeches

Watch here: youtube.com/watch?v=jBHkHqlQvhI -  In this webinar, we discuss among other topics how My Health Record currently and could in the future interact with the rest of the Ausrtralian health system, the safety and quality impacts...

15 August 2018 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum

Committee secretariats can often enhance the contribution of a consumer representative on a particular committee by thinking through ways to support their involvement.

13 August 2018 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum

Consumer representatives are often concerned about how they can consult with other consumers – and be accountable to them – without infringing the confidentiality requirements of their committee. This fact sheet helps consumer representatives decide what is confidential. It is a guide only,...

8 August 2018 Presentations and Speeches

Watch here: youtube.com/watch?v=5yhx4WZP6EM  In this webinar, we briefly cover My Health Record in general, then open a panel discussion that focussed on the privacy and security of the system, how legislation and policy affects it, and...

7 August 2018 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

Our focus in this response is health data, as that is our area of expertise and interest. As recognised in the issues paper, health data is more sensitive than data about most other areas of a consumers’ lives, such as personal preference for transport to work or even more sensitive data like...

20 July 2018 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

CHF welcomed the Review of Medicines and Medical Device Regulation and, while we did not support removing the required pre-approval of therapeutic goods advertisements, we are pleased to work with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to ensure that new arrangements will continue to protect...

9 July 2018 Report
Consumers Health Forum

2017-18 was an exciting year for CHF, from working with our growing member base to reach millions of consumers, to launching initiatives that will make a real difference to Australia's healthcare system. Read our Report Card to learn more.
