17 February 2022 Submission
Tammy Wolffs

The Cancer Council has called for views on designing and delivering a 10 year plan for collaborative, coordinated and national action for cancer outcomes and experience.

The CHF submission offers:

  • a focus on prevention
  • national consistency and equity
  • ...
16 February 2022 Position Statements
Consumers Health Forum

"Building a  Centre of Excellence"  

To respond to the pressing challenges facing our health system CHF formed a Consumer Commission in 2020 to contribute ideas about the future of the Australian health and social care system in the...

11 February 2022 Consumers Shaping Health
Consumers Health Forum

The health budget as a living investment

In the Feb 2022 edition of Consumers Shaping Health, we ....  

  • Announced CHF's pre-budget submission with a wellness and “health in all policies” approach that argues for broad social positives.  
  • ...
1 February 2022 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

The Federal Government invites the community, including individuals, businesses and groups to submit their views before the Budget is prepared and finalised. CHF has prepared our submission on the following...

24 January 2022 Report
Consumers Health Forum

As covid continues to be the health crisis dominating the national conversation leading up to the Federal election in 2022, we put our minds to how CHF will approach priorities for the year. In this communique, you can find an update on the November Board meeting, details on how to access the...

21 December 2021 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

A more connected and digital health system is a foundational element of a health system. For consumers, this means their health information is available when needed to share with their medical team and to help deliver whole-of-person care. It means that no matter where they live or happen to be...

12 December 2021 Consumers Shaping Health
Consumers Health Forum

Covid – the test of a pandemic on our healthcare system

In the Dec 2021 edition of Consumers Shaping Health, we ....

  • Discuss health communication in the context of the pandemic, and trust in doctors and health care professionals 
  • The
  • ...
7 December 2021 Annual Reports
Consumers Health Forum

2020–21 was a year like no other in healthcare. The Covid-19 pandemic put enormous strain on our community, families and friends. It presented challenges to our health system – both public health units, general practice as well as hospitals – and posed challenges to policy-makers. This...

25 November 2021 Submission
Tammy Wolffs

CHF supports lifting the single rate of JobSeeker and related payments to a minimum of $910 per fortnight and aligning future increases of JobSeeker and related payments to pension indexation – that is, based on both the Consumer Price Index and Male Total Average...

15 November 2021 Health Voices
Consumers Health Forum

Youth Health Summit – voices for the future

In this issue of Health Voices, writers and presenters from the Youth Health Forum National Summit in Sept 2021 discuss their concerns about future health...
