In September 2015, the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) was engaged by Primary Health Tasmania to undertake foundational work to scope the need for, and to support the potential establishment of, a healthcare consumer organisation (HCO) in Tasmania. Currently Tasmania is the only...
CHF is providing this submission in response to the First Report of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Principles and Rules Committee, and to add to our responses provided via the online survey about the First Report.
The need for and use of chaperones in the medical profession is a challenging issue for all concerned and one that CHF supports the investigation of. Due to the short timeframe in which submissions were called for we have not had time to consult our members explicitly on this submission. However...
CHF is aware that many concerns have been raised about the awarding of the contract for the National Register to Telstra Health. However it is clear from the Bill that the Commonwealth is the custodian of the data in the register and as such has the responsibility to ensure that sufficient /...
The Discussion Paper identified a number of key areas that the Panel wanted advice on to help shape its recommendations. Consistent with our desire to have a 21st century health system that has the consumer at its centre our submission concentrates on changes which would have a direct impact on...
This brief provides recommendations for health service providers including hospitals and Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to increase the role of consumers in designing healthcare services. It was put together by Policy Officer Rebecca Randall, following a workshop by AHHA and CHF, '...
This presentation was one of three given at the Asia Pacific Healthcare Conference (APAC 2016), as part of a session titled “Integration of Care – Consumers, Relationships and Systems – is Nirvana Possible?”.
Achieving integrated care is seen as one of the wicked problems of healthcare as...
CHF welcomed the opportunity to put in a submission on these proposed savings measures. We did not have time to consult our members explicitly on this Bill but we did consult them when the measures were announced as part of the Budget and as the measures have not changed the position remain the...