2 July 2018 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

CHF has consistently advocated123 for a national, whole-of-society obesity strategy. This is because recent reports show that years of public education campaigns have failed to reverse the rise in obesity, showing that it is well past time for individual-oriented prevention to become a priority...

2 July 2018 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

CHF works to achieve safe, quality, timely and affordable healthcare for all Australians, supported by accessible health information and systems. We support the principles of consumer centred care and chief among these is the principle of universal health care1. Private Health Insurance (PHI)...

13 June 2018 Report
CHF and The George Institute
12 June 2018 Fact Sheets

In October 2017, TGA announced the implementation of patient information leaflets and patient implant cards for all implantable medical devices. This was in response to consumer concerns about the limited or absence of information provided about the medical device during surgery.

From 1...

6 June 2018 Health Voices
Consumers Health Forum

The notion that consumers are the silent partners in medical research is changing in step with the rise of consumer influence and individualised therapies.  And in the latest Federal Budget medical research funding is providing for consumers to have a role in helping identify research priorities...

30 May 2018 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

At the heart of CHF’s policy agenda is patient-centred care. Our responses to the public consultation have been formed with a patient-centred approach in mind. CHF is a strong advocate of the development of guidelines for all sectors of the health system. While guidelines are only...

23 May 2018 Report
Consumers Health Forum and NPS MedicineWise

Consumer health data – clinical and socio-demographic – is increasingly collected, linked and used, both with and without consumers’ knowledge and informed consent. There is increasing focus on ‘big data’, evidence-informed policy, and the value of data-driven service development and improvement...

21 May 2018 Report

This consensus statement has been developed by Palliative Care Australia, Consumers Health Forum
of Australia and Carers Australia. Palliative care and end-of-life care should be strongly responsive
to the needs, preferences and values of people, their families and carers. People...
